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Dynamic Production, Prep and Thaw

Deliver a consistent diner experience and reduce waste with dynamic digital production plans that guide kitchen teams through dish preparation and production. 

Prepare for the Day with a Highly Accurate Demand Forecast

  • Create smarter production plans — provide production schedules based on forecasted demand broken down by order channel 
  • Manage materials effectively — use pre-loaded recipe builds within your production schedule to automatically deplete raw materials 
  • Cut labor time at the start of the day automatically print preparation labels 

Learn more about MacromatiX

Dynamically Update Production Schedules in Real-Time

  • Keep guests happy with low wait times — ramp up production quantities as demand increases by intaking sales data every 15 minutes 
  • Maintain high food quality — adjust production with alerts for goods that are in holding or about to expire 
  • Stay on top of food waste costs — automatically calculate and record waste based on goods that have reached their expiration 

Learn more about MacromatiX

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